A night guard is a custom made appliance that fits the upper teeth and is worn at night to protect the teeth muscles and joints.
A night guard is a custom made appliance that fits the upper teeth and is worn at night to protect the teeth muscles and joints. It is indicated for patients that have nocturnal bruxism (night grinding).
Patients with Bruxism, clench, and grind their teeth while sleeping. It is considered a sleep disorder and is not able to be controlled voluntarily. Bruxism is often related to stress and it occurs occasionally. Heavy grinding occurs for minutes at a time with extreme muscle activity and jaw pressure. Only 20% of people who grind at night can actually make audible sounds.
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Bruxism can destroy the enamel and expose the dentine which is softer. This dentine wears faster and promotes more tooth loss due to bite pressure and exposure to acids in the diet or stomach acids over time.